Sunday, 26 January 2014

Sunday sewing...

I have had the sewing machine out for a couple of weeks so I thought I ought to get my table runner finished. I know its hardly started but I have good intentions on a rainy day. Patchwork always looks a mess before pressing.
patchwork table runnet
The colours are subtle, jollying up of the dining room is nearly done. Only 2 months late!

In the background, by my tropical bag, are some limbs from my first Little Cotton Rabbits girl bunny, a pair of stripy legs ending in red Dolly shoes. There is a head knocking about in the bag, all very disconcerting!


  1. I always think that's the funniest bit of making toys, all the body parts knocking about in my work bag!

  2. Lovely looking fabrics, and that crochet bag is beautiful! Hugs, Elisabeth xx


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