Friday, 8 November 2013

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk..... DONE!

Nelliephant the elephant packed her trunk and off she went to live in Newcastle!
Our lovely middle daughter is 21 today and Nellie was part of her present, commissioned when she was home over the summer from university. Nellie will be renamed though apparently, she does not want to be part of the common herd.
The Nellie the Elephant African Flower Pattern is so clever, made up of crocheted African Flower Motifs; mainly pentagons with a few hexagons, octagons, one heptagon and a square too! Initially I joined the motifs as I went using the join as you go tutorial in the pattern, but I found it hard to see and it was slow progress, so I decided to switch to working the motifs and then sewing together which was far more preferable. Sewn above, join as you go at the bum end below!
The colours were chosen back in September by the birthday girl, from my Stylecraft Special DK stash, the pattern calls for 4 ply/fingering but by using a smallish 3.5mm hook I just made a bigger Nelliephant. I had to steal buttons from the cardigan I was wearing that night for her eyes!
Pictures were hastily snapped on my phone as I had rushed home from a half day at work to finish an ear, sew both ears on and make her plaited tail before packing her kicking and trumpeting into a bubblewrap parcel and bundling her off to the Post Office with an hour spare to the last post. Good old Royal Mail looked after her very well and she was safely delivered to the opposite end of the country in 24 hours.
Rear of the Year 2013
Nellie the Elephant finished 6th November 2013, started Sept 2013

FINISHED SIZE: Um, I forgot to measure!

YARN: Stylecraft Speacial DK
Parchment (main colour)
Pale rose
Candy floss

HOOK: 3.5mm

PATTERN: Nellie the Elephant African Flower crochet pattern by the talented Heidi Bears


I am just finishing off the border on my retro nautical throw so another "done" post is due very soon, and then I am going to knit <shock> <horror>


  1. OOhh loving Nellie!! what a great job you've made, I'm sure your daughter will give her a loving home and lots of cuddles :o) Sam xxx

    1. Thanks Sam, she was chuffed to bits with her!

  2. Είναι απλά έργο τέχνης,καταπληκτικό!

  3. So cute! I love the colors she chose.

    1. Thank you Jennifer, it's funny how it is actually OK working with colours you wouldn't necessarily choose yourself, and I did like them more as I progressed.

  4. She is so cute. I am really impressed with your crocheting.

    1. Thank you Bev, she was a labour of love and you may hear her trumpeting from Spital Tongues!!

  5. Oh I love Nellie..........she's ace. Wish I could crochet even a basic stitch let alone this level (one day, one day). Fabulous chuck xxx

  6. Oh I love bostin is this eh? One day I *will* learn to crochet properly & then have a bash at something very simple. She is very lush xxxx


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