Monday, 16 September 2013

French Stripey Throw - Done over!

Last night I posted my French Stripey Throw finished post, and Blogger didn't pick up updates so it didn't go on any blog lists. I am posting again to flag the post of the finished stripey throw, hopefully!! Thank you for your patience and understanding and apologies if I have now spammed you.


  1. Hello Fiona!

    I'm waving at you frantically from my corner of France and thanking dear Amanda in southern Spain because now I've found your wonderful blog and I just know I'm going to enjoy seeing your future créations

    Thank you so much for visiting Millefeuilles and fingers crossed for the giveaway ;-)

    Warmest wishes,


  2. Blog trawling is so dangerous and addictive and indulgent, yours is amazing Stephanie and now I need even more hours in the week/month/year! Stephanies generous giveaway of a unique hand crafted bunny finishes tomorrow so hop over and enter if anyone else reads this! F x

  3. Hi Fiona.

    Your blanket is stunning ! I've just had a look at your previous post.I love the shades you picked...that pistachio looks amazing amongst all the blues and maybes. The border is perfect for it too. I was thinking I would love a rug in that design and those colours.
    Greetings from my bit of France....very autumnal now,


  4. Beautiful stripey throw Fiona and I love your colour choices!
    Thank you so much too for visiting me today and your kind comments...I'm a new follower!
    Susan x

  5. Oooh, that's gorgeous! I've been wanting to make another one of these for awhile now, and this has just cemented it. Fab edging on yours. Well done! :)

  6. Hi Fiona - thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

    This blanket is very lovely indeed, I like the stripes and your colour choices are so harmonious - a nice mix of tones.

    Gillian x

  7. It's beautiful :) Thanks for sharing both times, otherwise we wouldn't have seen it

    The colours are really nice together, it must have taken you forever :o

  8. I love your French stripy throw, it is beautiful! The colours and yarn look delicious. I must put that yarn on my list to try. I love all the pictures of the throw on your previous pretty!
    Helen x


Comments are very welcome, thank you for reading!