Tuesday, 18 December 2012

One a Day 18th Dec 12 Tuesdays Tallies

Oh my goodness, what a week! Somewhere in the middle I have finished my Vintage Granny Blanket for my mum, but mostly I have more tallying to do in trips to the dump, the charity shop and cleaning. We finally had confirmation that our house was sold last Wednesday, with completion on the sale this Friday. The removal men came yesterday and the rest of our "stuff" has gone into storage for a month or so until a new purchase goes through the motions. I will do a proper "Done" post at some point, but not today.

I have been running up something else in spare moments, mainly in the car travelling up and down the hour each way, but that can't go on here.

I have to start Christmas preps now! How is everyone else doing, have you finished all your Christmas Makes or will it be a frantic middle of the night job on Christmas Eve? The latter is normal for me.

Please join in Tuesdays Tallies, I suspect we all have brand new projects we are planning for a New Year and a New Start!

If you want to join in with Link Party add your details below. Copy the One a Day header and put that in your post too with a link back too if you wish so we can all find each other! Lots of chance to chatter on the One a Day group on Ravelry here Ignore the Tackle it Tuesday bit...I can't get a Tuesday's Tallies header but it is one and the same!


  1. Aww, your blanket looks divine! Mine is also finished, but not nearly as perfect as yours. I'm linking it up and hope to be back with a proper One-a-day soon!

    1. mine isn't perfect by any means, the border is especially wavy!

  2. Simply stunning!
    Merry Christmas!
    Angie x

  3. Brilliant blanket Fiona. Well done.

  4. Congrats on the house sale!! I'm glad it's all worked out for you. Your blanket is stunning, your mum is going to love it!

  5. Your blanket looks awesome, well done on such a great job!

  6. I will be back and love your blanket. Gosh so much left to do for xmas things, doing my head in lol.

  7. I'm in awe of your speed! Finishing a blanket of that size in super quick time, I take my hat off to you. It's absolutely gorgeous!

    Merry Christmas x

  8. Wow, what a week you've had. I'm in love with your blanket and the colours. Merry Christmas. Deb xxx

  9. Congratulations on getting your house sold, hope you get moved into your a place soon :)

    Nice to see you've taken up the Tuesdays Tallies lead! I'll probably re-join next year when all my frantic Xmas projects are out of the way and I can relax a bit, one row, one square, one thing at a time :)

    Love your mum's blanket, you should be thrilled with it, I'm sure she will be :) I wish someone would make me something so lovely! x

  10. Beautiful blanket for your Mum : -)
    Merry Christmas!!

  11. Just found your blog (joined) and am now looking forward to more beautiful and useful stuff. Great blanket.


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