Tuesday, 4 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

 I have decided to keep myself on track for a new project. I am joining in Carole's (aka Gingerbread Girl) Tuesdays Tallies. I think it's a bit like making yourself go to Weight Watchers for knotty peeps, I will be shamed if I don't make progress each week (by myself, not anyone else) and to be honest keeping the target to a manageable "One a Day" should be feasible! One granny square a day and not one slice of cake a day!

So my "One a Day" is my "Not Just Another Granny Squares Blanket" in single colour basic Granny Square blocks. My youngest, S age 16, has requested Cath Kidston inspired colours, I would prefer to add a few more but these are the ones "we" are sticking with, 8 colours of trusty Stylecraft Special DK including white. I tried the "join as you go" method to save sewing up at the end, bit it was a disaster. It looked like a lumpy bumpy unmatched mess. I was following Attic 24s excellent photo tutorial, but I was on a very very slow mobile phone connection in North Wales and the photos wouldn't load, so I just made do with the text, bad decision! So I had rattled off about 30 Six round squares leaving long ends for sewing in.
crochet Granny squares
Yesterday, after getting home, I decided to have another look. Easy peasy lemon squeezy with the photos, Lucy is brilliant! The trouble is I am now having to undo 2-3 sides of the last round and JAYG..in some cases running out of yarn, but I am getting there.Top down, not bottom up, is the secret.
Undoing  so I can JAYG!
So my tally is 31 squares, hopefully they will be all ship shape by next week and I can blast along JAYG rather than undoing as I go! I am running out of yarn on some squares so some botching is going on, shh, keep that secret to yourself.
join as you go
First 14 Granny squares are joined
Sorry about the picture quality taken after dark tonight. To flash or not to flash, that was the question.


  1. Looking good! I love JAYG - so much easier than sewing them all together at the end! Love the colours, bit of a CK fan myself!
    Karen x x

  2. That is looking good! Can't wait to see it all done. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. It seems like the solid granny squares are the thing of the season. Love to see you join in! Your colours are perfect!

    1. Don't tell anyone, I love the many coloured squares but the thought of all the ends is very off-putting!! so single colour=lazy for me :o

  4. Looking great!! Solid granny's do look good, may store this in my never ending
    long plans lol.

  5. I just love these solid granny squares everyone is making, but I just can't justify starting another blanket... I look forward to seeing this beautiful blanket if yours grow.

  6. Gorgeous colours, my favorite colour scheme, loving the granny square pattern. I look forward to seeing your progress over the coming weeks. Deb x

  7. Looks like another winner of a project, JAYG must make it fly!
    Beth x
    (I think a little bit of flashing is a must, in the right circumstances!)

  8. Welcome to the One a Day club Fiona. I love joining in and find it motivates me to do so much more. Hope you will find that too.

    I love this CK inspired blanket. What pretty colors. I love the one color grannies bigger and might have to do that in the future. Mine are smaller with only 3 rounds. I am sure that we are going to watch this floral colored beauty grow over the coming weeks.

    Hugs from Holland ~

    1. 3 rounds is a lot of joining and sewing compared to 6, you are dedicated and I am lazy! I do want to make a teeny weeny squares one at some point though.

  9. This is going to be such a pretty blanket. Really like the look of the one-colour per square. Brilliant idea to do one a day : -)

  10. Loved your comment on Meme Rose, a honest blog is what it is all about. Love all your wonderful projects, have a great day,

  11. Thank you Kate, The colours (I have put the colours in one of the posts I think!) but are: White, Meadow Green, Lemon, Fondant, Candy Floss, Lipstick, Cloud Blue and Lavender.


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