Sunday, 9 September 2012

Bulls Eye Cushions

retro cushions
A pair of Bullseye Cushions
More cushions! I finished this pair off this morning that have been "nearly" finished for 4 weeks. I took them away last week to finish and very nearly achieved my aim but I still had one last round of border, the buttonholes and buttons to sew on. As "the husband" said "who are these for?" They are for us! They will remind me of: our holiday last week in the lovely Llŷn (or Lleyn) Peninsular in North Wales
Close up of Bullseye Square
I am quite pleased with them. The idea was that they are to go on our bed and reflect the spotty London Blinds we have at the two windows.
The lighter spots on the blind are mocha not sage green!
Now cushions on the bed....what do you think? Every magazine, shop, holiday house, house moving programme on TV all have beautifully arranged cushions on the bed. Usually with runners, throws and not just a pair but several co-ordinating and carefully plumped pairs in different textures and sizes. Where do they go at bedtime, on a heap on the floor in this house. That's why we haven't had them up to now. The reason, we are trying to sell our house and have been for a few months now. It's soul destroying, but perhaps the new bulls eye cushions will make us look a bit less like chaotic family house and slightly more "with it" But still I don't have that "touch" they are very rustic but I like them. If anyone drives down our road and a cushion comes flying out of the window at midnight you will know why.

Definitely not designer...more rustic chic!
Bullseye Square Cushions finished 9th Sept 2012, they took me a few weeks around other projects.

FINISHED SIZE: 45cm square + edging, each square was 11cm

YARN: Stylecraft Special 100% acrylic Double Knit in 3 colours,
Parchment 1218
Mocha 1064
Walnut 1054

HOOK: 4mm

PATTERN: Bullseye squares pattern by Little Tin Bird with an extra round of trebles

How do you get that smart hotel look?!
PS The cushions hold a secret, coming to you via a blog post very soon, watch this space!


  1. You did a great job on those cushions and they really add a lot of personality to your room! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Hi Fiona, I love the cushions, love these squares and the colours. It's rustic indeed. I totally understand the cushions on your bed part. I like to look at at, and when I go to bed I throw them on the ground.
    So you are moving, I hope it's your own choice.
    groetjes, Gerda

    1. Thanks Gerda It's the husband, he flings them off sofas too as he is tall he doesn't need them! Yes we are moving to remove an hour commute for him and thus save a huge amount of money. That's if we get a half sensible offer for our house! Part II of the cushion story will be going up soon...I haven't mentioned the backs yet! Fiona x

  3. Love those cushions ~ they are fab and do go really well with your spotty blind. I have at least two of those colours in my stash of stylecraft so may try and do something similar when time allows :O)xx

    1. The pattern is Heather's, she is the clever one! Time is always the problem isn't it? I am particularly smitten with Parchment and always buy a ball or 2 when buying other colours, the colours are so natural for an acrylic yarn. Love that about Stylecraft, bright when you want bright and subtle when you want subtle! Make a start,a square here, a square there and before you know it 16 are done! Fiona x

  4. Ooh Fiona! They are LOVELY! Such restful colours, think I may have them in my stylecraft stash!!
    We don't "do" cushions on the bed, too lazy!! TBH our bed doesn't get made very often as Mr T works nights, so one of us is usually in it!! BUT... I have not 1 but 2 bed-covering projects on the go so will have to do some bed making so I can admire them!
    Fab job, looking forward to hearing about the secret?!?!
    Karen xxx

  5. The cushions are so elegant and natural looking. Thet look beautiful with your bed and blinds.

  6. Gorgeous cushions (and beautiful holiday spot too). I know exactly what you mean, I used to have cushions on the bed too, but they became too much of a hassle in the end and went to the charity shop. Good luck with selling your house!

  7. Oh my! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pillows! I think I might rethink my next project which is all in tans and browns to match my sofa. Blogging is just such a dangerous Great job!!!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  8. I love your bullseye cushions. The colours are just like those I used for a cushion for our spare bedroom - I think I might have to make one of these to go with it. It sits with two other (shop bought) cushions on the bed and I spend ages rearranging them lol I also loved your cable cushion from one of your previous posts - thats on my to do list as well! xx


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