Thursday, 27 September 2012

How much?!

It is quite flattering that my rainbow ripple has been admired, both in blogland and in real life, not that blogland isn't real life but you get my drift? I have had 3 enquiries as to "how much?" would I sell it for.
neat ripple
Rainbow Ripple

A lot of hard work, sweat and enjoyment went into my first proper throw. It wasn't made for sale, but then again everything has a value, whether it be the raw materials, labour involved or aesthetics or most usually a combination of all of the above. The value is only what one person is prepared to actually pay though, as all of us trying to sell a house at present know well!
scallop crochet border
So far a friend wanted me to make one if she bought the yarn, I refused that offer. At present it is in my local yarn shop window and two customers have enquired as to "how much?" So far the price I quoted has not been responded too. I suspect they want to pay cost of yarn & £10 as well! Oh well, I am happy, I don't particularly want to sell it unless someone pays quite a bit to fuel other projects.
Attic 24 neat ripple
I don't think I have ever been at the receiving end of a "if you have to ask you can't afford it" enquiry before, but if you are not prepared to give my time some value then it is not for sale.
It is flattering that people like it though. How much do you think?  I used about £35 worth of yarn, it took about 80 hours and fits the top of our king bed, so generous for a double. That was a rhetorical question, it's a silly amount even at half minimum wage!!  But then again, some things sell for silly amounts.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Week 4 - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

Crumbs...doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself?  It's Tuesday again already. The Giant Granny is surrounded now...
solid granny blanket
granny square blanket
117 was 83 last week, I didn't think I had done that much but there was a good push on Saturday and Sunday as Mr Knotty was hitting a lot of his little balls about in a monsoon. So that makes um...clunk whir calculate, about 34. I really wasn't going to post until this row was complete and the ends sewn in, but it would be dark by then. I am keeping up with my ends, honest!

It is lovely to see everyone else's progress every week on Carole's blog. Come and join us.
PS I am secretly hoping the 144 blocks are finished for next week and I can start on the border.....

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Week 3 - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

I spent three days last week driving 650 miles, the big round trip from Gloucestershire to Tyne and Wear via Cumbria both ways. I was returning the middle one back to uni in Newcastle and visiting my parents aka Granny and Granddad, in Penrith. So our house is quiet now only 3 + dog at home and not 5 like it used to be. Unfortunately the drive home from Penrith via the lovely M6 car park was not the best, it added "only" 3 extra hours to my 4 hour journey on Friday afternoon..sic.
Giant Granny, Cath Kidston colours
I haven't got masses of progress to report this week but the Giant Granny has been finished and "joined-as-you-goed" and some more squares added and most of the ends are finished off too. The "Count" was 60 last week and 83 this week, actually not that bad considering. I've added over 3 a day, I count the giant as 16 squares. I am being very good with my ends.

I went to Knit and Natter at the brand new Bluestocking Wool & Gifts shop in Stroud this morning, and crocheted, they didn't throw me out! It's sad that Along Came Polly is now no more but great we still have a local yarn shop stocking my favourite Stylecraft as well as posh yarn like Rowan. I hope Sunie's shop grows and prospers as it should. I bought 3 more balls of the colours I am using, but three others I needed were out of stock. When I got home and read that the wonderful Get Knitted in Bristol are finally stocking Stylecraft too I whooped, just a £10 order for free post and great prices. So I have got the yarn winging its way to me that I need to finish; from my next most local shop, so I am happy to be able to support both. Even better the sun is out and photo taking is easy.
one a day Ravelry
Cath Kidston inspired Granny Blanket
I have almost finished plotting the next crochet throw all chant together now "I must not start that one until this one is finished".....yeah right! Not too difficult as I am loving it!
Sun is out hurrah, and those really are the ONLY ends not sewn in!
See you next week and don't forget to check out all the other lovely "One a Day" projects via Gingerbread Girl's blog

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Neat Granny Log Cabin Crochet Cushions

I cheated. My Log Cabin cushions...
crochet log cabin cushion
Log Cabin Cushions
are also my Bullseye cushions I have just made... Just two cushions, not four!
Bullseye Cushions
Since I crocheted the double sided Gingham/Provencal cushion for my friend who lives in France, I have been smitten with double sided cushions. They have to have a back so why not make it different so you can have two looks for the effort and cost of one?  These cushions, including the pad, have cost less than £4 each, not counting my time.
log cabin
Crochet Log Cabin Cushions on bed with Moroccan Throw
I wanted to try a crocheted log cabin patchwork effect, but the only pattern I found was a granny cluster style one and I wanted the blocks to be defined, so I risked life and limb and had a go at winging it! A brave thing to do for me, I like following patterns. I did ground myself and started off with a solid granny square, the same pattern as I used for the gingham cushion.

The colours were chosen to co-ordinate with the Bullseye side and the bedroom blinds and also the throw we bought in Morocco last summer that is on our bed at the moment. So in addition to Stylecraft Special DK in Parchment, Mocha and Walnut I added Claret 1123 Meadow 1065 and Teal 1062. Throws on bed are in the cushion category, they get kicked unceremoniously into a heap on the floor, but whilst the house is “up for sale” we are making an effort in the bedroom (that sounds totally wrong!) I’d like to think it may continue when we move, the way our bedroom looks that is.

The cushions being double-sided gives us added flexibility as they also look good on our leather sofas, we have some cushions on there that I ran up from another Moroccan throw but unfortunately the weave was too loose and they have disintegrated in just one year, even I acknowledge that, for once, it is not my sewing that is at fault.
crochet log cabin
Neat Granny Log Cabin v 1
The first cushion I changed colour every time I finished a block, I worked to the end of the row and turned so each block is 5 rows with the two granny cluster rows worked on the wrong side. I will write out the pattern when I find my little book with the notes in! When I turned I picked up 9 more stitches evenly from the end of the previous block, to keep the pattern correct throughout. I kept the browns as one half and colours as the other half.
log cabin crochet
Neat Granny Log Cabin v2
For the second cushion I had a brainwave and did two blocks at once keeping the pattern correct. I thought it would be far neater but the stitch count kept getting out and the finished result was quite distorted, I like the first attempt much better, so version 1 is the pattern I will go with.

To finish the cushions work a row or two of trebles around the last row to even out and make both sides the same size and to fit your pad. Then work front and back together (wrong sides together) in trebles with three chains at the corners leaving about two thirds of one side open. Treble down one side and treble with a one chain space evenly 4 times on the other side for the button holes.
button holes on crochet cushion
Button Closure
The final round is 3 treble clusters miss 2 chains, on the second cushion I turned my work and the border lies much flatter.
Crochet granny cluster edging
Simple Granny Cluster Edging
Continue across the opening on the side without button holes. Sew on your buttons and there you go, four cushions for the price of two. So if the blinds stay here when we move, and cushions on the bed become too much of a pillow fight, both throw and cushions can go and reside the sofas...
How they are supposed to look...
...where they will be hoyed to the floor and the dog will think someone cares about him after all!
unstyled home
What really happens to throws and cushions on sofas, the unstyled version!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Week 2 - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

I am enjoying this crochet throw. It is not difficult but I am glad I mastered the Join As You Go method, even if you still have to sew in ends separately. The fast progress inspires keeping up with the ends. Just 8 colours, how restrained?!
cath Kidston colours
Cath Kidston inspired Granny Blanket
  Last week’s tally was 31
crochet granny squares
Solid Colour Granny Squares
Finished another 17, an average of over two a day but I also had to undo 3 sides of the remaining 17 squares I had not joined last week, joined them as I went and finished all ends off securely! The JAYG looks a bit like blanket stitch, I am liking the effect more and more.
join as you go crochet
So 48 in total, a nice tidy 4 rows of 12, the finished tally will be 12x12 rows so 144 but…
Week 2 - 48 squares!
Although very lovely, plain squares are not as interesting as can be. I have started a central oversized square to replace 16 solid squares, changing colour every round. Well I have nearly finished the big square so really another 12-14 squares.  My goodness there are lots of ends that I haven’t woven in yet.  The equivalent of 60 squares, nearly half way!
giant granny square crochet
Crocheting simple granny squares gives me a lot of brain space to think, I am in danger of adding another “extra” to this blanket too.

How is everyone else doing with their One-a-Day?
One a Day crochet

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Bulls Eye Cushions

retro cushions
A pair of Bullseye Cushions
More cushions! I finished this pair off this morning that have been "nearly" finished for 4 weeks. I took them away last week to finish and very nearly achieved my aim but I still had one last round of border, the buttonholes and buttons to sew on. As "the husband" said "who are these for?" They are for us! They will remind me of: our holiday last week in the lovely Llŷn (or Lleyn) Peninsular in North Wales
Close up of Bullseye Square
I am quite pleased with them. The idea was that they are to go on our bed and reflect the spotty London Blinds we have at the two windows.
The lighter spots on the blind are mocha not sage green!
Now cushions on the bed....what do you think? Every magazine, shop, holiday house, house moving programme on TV all have beautifully arranged cushions on the bed. Usually with runners, throws and not just a pair but several co-ordinating and carefully plumped pairs in different textures and sizes. Where do they go at bedtime, on a heap on the floor in this house. That's why we haven't had them up to now. The reason, we are trying to sell our house and have been for a few months now. It's soul destroying, but perhaps the new bulls eye cushions will make us look a bit less like chaotic family house and slightly more "with it" But still I don't have that "touch" they are very rustic but I like them. If anyone drives down our road and a cushion comes flying out of the window at midnight you will know why.

Definitely not designer...more rustic chic!
Bullseye Square Cushions finished 9th Sept 2012, they took me a few weeks around other projects.

FINISHED SIZE: 45cm square + edging, each square was 11cm

YARN: Stylecraft Special 100% acrylic Double Knit in 3 colours,
Parchment 1218
Mocha 1064
Walnut 1054

HOOK: 4mm

PATTERN: Bullseye squares pattern by Little Tin Bird with an extra round of trebles

How do you get that smart hotel look?!
PS The cushions hold a secret, coming to you via a blog post very soon, watch this space!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

 I have decided to keep myself on track for a new project. I am joining in Carole's (aka Gingerbread Girl) Tuesdays Tallies. I think it's a bit like making yourself go to Weight Watchers for knotty peeps, I will be shamed if I don't make progress each week (by myself, not anyone else) and to be honest keeping the target to a manageable "One a Day" should be feasible! One granny square a day and not one slice of cake a day!

So my "One a Day" is my "Not Just Another Granny Squares Blanket" in single colour basic Granny Square blocks. My youngest, S age 16, has requested Cath Kidston inspired colours, I would prefer to add a few more but these are the ones "we" are sticking with, 8 colours of trusty Stylecraft Special DK including white. I tried the "join as you go" method to save sewing up at the end, bit it was a disaster. It looked like a lumpy bumpy unmatched mess. I was following Attic 24s excellent photo tutorial, but I was on a very very slow mobile phone connection in North Wales and the photos wouldn't load, so I just made do with the text, bad decision! So I had rattled off about 30 Six round squares leaving long ends for sewing in.
crochet Granny squares
Yesterday, after getting home, I decided to have another look. Easy peasy lemon squeezy with the photos, Lucy is brilliant! The trouble is I am now having to undo 2-3 sides of the last round and some cases running out of yarn, but I am getting there.Top down, not bottom up, is the secret.
Undoing  so I can JAYG!
So my tally is 31 squares, hopefully they will be all ship shape by next week and I can blast along JAYG rather than undoing as I go! I am running out of yarn on some squares so some botching is going on, shh, keep that secret to yourself.
join as you go
First 14 Granny squares are joined
Sorry about the picture quality taken after dark tonight. To flash or not to flash, that was the question.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Aran Cushions - Part 1

I have a bit of a problem. Too many things to knit, crochet, sew and bake but really I ought to do other stuff some of the time, unfortunately. Part of the problem is that the girls now want me to make some things for them too, which is very flattering, but the list grows! Perhaps my knitty knotty obsessions are not as fuddy duddy as they had previously led me to believe.
cabled cushion
Raspberry Aran Cushion
L, the middle one, has also hampered me, in a very nice way, she is home from university over the summer and when she isn't serving cheese on the deli counter of a well-known supermarket to earn pennies for next year, she is sewing. L is studying 3D Design (Product and Furniture) up at Northumbria in term time, not textiles. Since I gave her my refurbished sewing machine at the start of the summer break (thank goodness we have a proper sewing machine shop that does servicing and repairs) it has been permanently up on the dining room table, I dare not get mine out too until she is back up north for the start of Year 2. She has made some beautiful cushions, the owl one was a present that she has now sent to a friend for her birthday, but I photographed with my rainbow ripple.
Attic 24 neat ripple
applique owl
Owl Cushion close up
The red patchwork one she was not as happy with and I love it, so I have acquired it by default!
Patchwork Floor Cushion
Reverse of patchwork floor cushion
The large patchwork one is her most recent creation, and she likes the stripy back better. The cream and pink linen stripe one was a bargain somewhere, and the raspberry Aran creation was me finally doing some knitting again.
Cushion Collection for a student!
I found a pattern on Ravelry she approved of, and L chose some Stylecraft Chunky in Raspberry. I adapted the pattern and added another pattern repeat to fit a 40cm cushion pad, so a cast on of 72. I used my new Knit Pro circular needles that I had for Christmas!
aran patterns
Cable Close Up
L didn’t want any buttons or ugly closures, they dig in when in serious lounging mode, so I just knitted a 100cm length, finishing with a few rows of K2P2 rib.  The sewing up was the hardest bit, keeping it straight and at times catching in 3 layers and hoping I had worked the structure out correctly. Phew it did!
Finished Raspberry Aran Cushion
Now she has commissioned a 60cm floor cushion in Fondant and Cream, with a bobble pattern, to go with all her other cushions, student digs were not this posh 25 years ago! Hence the plural in "cushions" in the title, and the need for a Part 2!!

RASPBERRY ARAN CUSHION finished 19th August 2012, it took me a couple of weeks mixed in with other projects!

FINISHED SIZE: 40cm square

YARN: 3x100g Stylecraft Special Chunky Raspberry 1023.


PATTERNS: Based on this cabled cushion pattern, I will write up my adaptation soon!

knitted cushion
PS I scheduled this to post last week whilst I was away and Blogger didn't obey, so with no thanks to naughty Blogger here is my post better late than never!!