Thursday, 26 July 2012

Rainbow Ripple Throw .... done!

Rippling waves......the rhythm and patterns in sand and sea and rippling muscles on those Tour de France thighs.... phwoar! Well the British boys did us proud; Bradley Wiggins, Chris Froome and Mark Cavendish, Olympics next, no pressure. Both types of ripples were inspirations for my rainbow ripple that I completed last week. It was still very cold then and I was keeping warm whilst rippling along with the boys.
Tour de France
Watching Tour de France rippling muscles whilst rippling!
I started my ripple blanket on 27th May 2012, following Lucy's (of Attic 24 fame) iconic neat ripple pattern.  I'll post all the stats at the end!  Here is my diary:

Under way…I bought a 17 ball Stylecraft Special DK Lucy pack and added 5 extra colours and cream, 23 colours! At present I am planning to choose colours as I go, 2 rows old colour, 1 row new colour, 1 row old colour 2 rows new colour (new colour now becomes old colour) etc etc evolving colour wise but not in a true rainbow.
Started with 297 chains 21x14 stitches repeats +3, I think it will be single bed size, hopefully! 1 row down, the hard row, with no problems. Here we go!
I measured on 13.6.12 and the 297 chains are working out to be a width of about 60” or 152cm, and 75 rows are 29” or 74cm, so a cm a row is nice and easy to calculate!) Aster/ Bluebell/ Cloud Blue/ Cream/ Turquoise/ Sherbert/ Aspen/ Meadow/ Spring Green/ Cream/ Saffron so far.
Attic 24 neat ripple
Waves upon waves
5.6.12 Thanks to the extended Jubilee Weekend I have had lots of knotting time :) 40 rows down, I am up to saffron in colour spectrum and as pleased as punch, especially as having to go down the very cheap yarn route doesn’t matter, it feels light and cottony and not at all nasty acrylic! Note the we were away for 2 days and I had not brought on colour I still needed a deliberate mistake was worked in, so glaring to me but in the big scheme of things never mind!
9.6.12 Slowed down a little bit, up to Lipstick and about to embark on all the pinks and purples….not at all happy with the Shrimp colour at the moment, thought it would look more orangey.

13.6 Slow and steady progress, a few rows a day. Working on plum rows! I have just measured it out of interest and added dimensions above, I like to know things like that looking at others work so I hope it helps someone.Aster/ Bluebell/ (Denim on 2nd repeat too)/ Cloud Blue/ Cream/ Turquoise/ Sherbert/ Aspen/ Meadow/ Spring Green/ Cream/ Saffron/ Sunshine/ Shrimp/ Matador/ Lipstick/ Cream/ Pomegranate/ Fondant/ Raspberry/ Plum/ Magenta/ Cream/ Clematis/ Wisteria/ Lavendar.
30.6 Just love this, I think two full repeats of the 22 colours will be too much, I do a cream section every five rows and love how this just holds it together. 
Back to Meadow on the second repeat now! It’s getting cumbersome to lug around to crochet in the car whilst waiting for offspring! I got some looks crocheting on the cross channel ferry this week too. At the start of the second repeat, the colours go Aster/Bluebell/Denim (which I forgot first time through) etc as above keeping a cream section after every five colours.
8.7.12 I am up to plum on the second repeat now…so nearly there and torn between desperately wanting to finish and see how the border works (will be simple I think) and not wanting to let it go! Oh well, got to watch Murray this afternoon at Wimbledon, and only 3 more colour repeats and the fill ins to do.
19.7 Aggghhhh run out of denim on the 4th side of the final scallop edging this morning…hoping 2 squares I have made for something else in same colour will yield enough to finish as my local shop has just about every colour in BUT Denim!!I filled the troughs at the ends by Tr2Tog in the dips then a tr then 2 HTR then 2DC then 2 sl st on the peaks then 2 dc 2 htr 1tr Tr2tog then 1tr etc etc etc all in lavendar, then:
2 rounds dc lavendar
1 round dc denim
1 round scallop (right side to finish) denim, same pattern as the crochet pillowcase edge I used before.

I didn’t go round and round the edging but turned for each one, so it lies flat, so 1st round dc was back and last scallp row on right side.
Here come an awful lot of pictures! Really pleased with the edging.
 A riot of colour, "subtle" is not a tag applicable to this ripply crocheted throwy blankety thing!
Is it on to ripple your ripples?
...and finally (as the Two Ronnies would say) here it is finished!!
neat ripple throw
Rainbow Ripple Throw
crochet ripple blanket
crochet scallop border
That's it folks...sad to be finished but oh how so many more hooky projects to embark on.
Rainbow Ripple Throw finished 20th July 2012, took me under two months!

FINISHED SIZE: approx 220x165cm (83"x65") 198 rows

YARN:  100g ball each Stylecraft special 100% acrylic DK in 25 colours

Bluebell 1982 *
Sunshine 1114 *
Wisteria 1432
Raspberry 1023 *
Matador 1010 *
Denim 1302 *
Lipstick 1246
Sherbert 1034
Turquoise 1068
Fondant 1241
Saffron 1081
Aspen 1422
Clematis 1390
Shrimp 1132
Spring Green 1316
Aster 1003
Lavender 1188
Meadow 1065
Plum 1061
Cloud Blue 1019
Pomegranate 1083
Magenta 1084
Cream 1005 * (4 balls, may have used less)
* extra colours not included in the 17 ball "Lucy" pack that many retailers sell or just buy loose! I have plenty left for lots of small projects :)
Bought from Deramores as they had all the colours in stock and a very good special on at the time, great service!

Hook: 4mm

PATTERN: Neat Ripple by Attic 24


This blog entry is my submission to the Deramores Blog Awards 2014. Deramores is the UK’s number one online retailer of knitting and crochet supplies.


  1. Very pretty, and very fast! Congratulations on your beautiful ripple.

  2. Thank you for commenting on my Ravelry Project, I will look forward to reading through your blog.

  3. Just beautiful and such detail in how you made it, perfect ☺

  4. Oh my word, it's awesome! Thank you for your lovely comment, funnily enough I just spotted your blanket on Rav too. What a mammoth task yours must have been too but so worth it, it looks absolutely stunning on your bed! I hope you're proud of yourself too :)

    Sandra x

    Ps - yes that lovely golden/mustard yellow is one of my all times favs but such a devil to track down, especially in the cheaper yarns!

  5. It's lovely and a great your colours, I really mist get started on mine, but I've got Charley making me make lacy doilies for her right now, I'm loving them but very hard on the eyes using such thin thread and tiny hook :)

  6. Beautiful!! I love the colors you used, especially with the cream added in. I too am working on a ripple using the same pattern, but it is to narrow. So I need to rip it all back and start over. Good thing I love the pattern so much. ;)

  7. Amazing! Mark my words, this will be the hit of this summer :)

  8. I love your blanket.. and have added your blog to my list on my blog. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Beautiful blanket and you made it so quickly too! I saw it over on Rav and loved reading the diary of its making :-)

    I am hanging my head in shame as my poor rainbow ripple blanket is being very neglected but your blankie is inspiring me to get on with it. Great job xx

  10. Just beautiful Fiona well done!

  11. Hello Fiona

    That is the most incredible ripple blanket and what a rainbow of colours....all of them so very well matched.
    The main setting for a fills my eyes there is no room for anything else....very well done and I don't think 2 months is so long.

    Amanda :-)
    First Giveaway open to everyone!

  12. LOVE LOVE this pattern in a ripple. Now I wish I had done mine in this repeat pattern. The rainbow scheme just adds that wow factor. Great work.

  13. Your ripple is gorgeous. The flow of color is so so beautiful.

  14. Fiona, I have no idea how to crochet but have seen and received my fair share of blankets in my time but this has to be the most gorgeous design I have seen and the colours are stunning. Just love it! Well done you x


  15. Que linda sua ripple.
    Parabéns Fiona.
    Já estou te seguindo, venha me visitar e seguir também.
    Um abraço.
    Rosangela - Brasil

  16. Hello, you have a great blog. Your ripple is fantastic! It's the most stunning ripple I've ever seen.

  17. This is a beautiful ripple blanket, I hope mine looks this good when it's finished!

  18. This is one of the most beautiful ripples I have seen yet! Simply stunning. xx

  19. this is just gorgeous! I can't wait to buy my yarn and get started on one of my own! (PS - I'm now following your blog. What fun!)

  20. Just stumbled upon your blog from Facebook's Creative Crochet Crew.. Awe inspiring and i am going to take my inspiration from you and Lucy to embark on my own ripple adventure.. It looks just so pretty and so colorful..


  21. What an awesome ripple! I am inspired to make one on the similar lines. Stumbled upon your blog from Facebook's Creative Crochet Crew..Just beautiful ripple:)


  22. I have also made Lucy's ripple blanket, although a lot smaller than you :)
    Your blanket is absolutely beautiful!


  23. Beautifulllllll!!!!!!! Congrulations!!!
    From Portugal

  24. Very beautiful! I love the colour flow.

    I'm still stuck on my granny stripe; been working on it off and on for 18 *months*. That this only took 2 months is inspiring me to get my finger out and get crocheting again (after I finish this wip and the next pattern. Honest. I won't get distracted again. Ish...)

  25. veryvery beautiful! bravo!

  26. wow amazing!! Looks completely fabulous! And it only took you 2 months!!!! I am astounded!! Sooo fast!

    You're right on the cream, it really does tie everything in together! Very un-attic-ey but you pull it off so well! Great decision! x

  27. I've not been able to decide whether to do mine choosing the colours fairly randomly from the Lucy pack or to follow a sequence. I like your repeating sequence. Wish I'd seen your extra colour ideas before I ordered mine. Can't wait to get started.


Comments are very welcome, thank you for reading!