Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Retro-Nautical Crochet Throw

I have not blogged for a long time, and I have missed it. I have been reading other blogs off and on and find them all so inspiring. The trouble is that we moved house and now that I work full time, in a physically demanding shift work job, the weeks just slip away. I do still spend a few hours a week crocheting though so I have some catch up to do here! Just a taster today, my new creation, I seem to have called it "retro nautical" for some reason. I am over half way through but here is a taste, and I will explain more soon about it's destiny!! Rest assured, French Stripey Throw has long been finished and I need to share that too!

I promise I will not be absent for so long now!! I have to go and jump on my bike and pedal 5 miles to work now, I have also become a bit of a cycling geek.


  1. Yay! So glad you are back!! That is looking like another gorgeous blanket! Karen x

  2. Welcome back - we've missed you!

  3. I'm with you ... haven't been blogging because of work ... maybe there's something in the air? Glad you're back. Lovely blanket by the way : -)

  4. I am so happy to see a blog post from you again, I have missed you here in blogland :) I know all too well about time slipping by too quickly when you are working again, I hardly find the time to blog anymore myself. Your new blanket looks like yet another winner, stunning. Hope to read more from you again soon

  5. Beautiful blanket and you're right it does have a fabulous nautical vibe. Love it!

    S x

  6. Hi,
    I' d like to write that your blog is very sweet and YOU do wonderful things, congratulations, greetings, ania

  7. Glad that you're back :) I like the name 'retro nautical'. It suits the blanket indeed!

  8. Hello! Your squares are looking lovely and I love the colour theme you are using for your throw.

    I have a few workmates that cycle to work, its becoming more popular!

  9. I love the colours you've used here, the blanket is coming on great! I'm looking forward to seeing your French stripey throw too. Take care and don't work too hard! Sam xx

  10. I love this blanket, so simple, so perfect, such mellow colours. Great job :o) xxx


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