Monday, 11 March 2013

Attic 24 Bag lining and a re-purposed basket

I've not been very inspiring recently. I have been plodding on with my French Stripey Throw and it is 3/4 done. Well I have used 75% of the yarn but cannot contemplate buying anymore even though I would like it to be bigger, for our bed not a single. I dug out some old Laura Ashley curtains and the easiest way to shorten them was to cut off the old tape as all the string was beyond hope to unravel, so I finally got my sewing machine out for the first time in 9 months or so. Our room now has denim coloured curtains with cream sprigs and this throw would look fabulous with them when finished. my plan is to start going round and round soon, the border helping to widen the throw, and making sure I get every last yard into the blanket so it is as big as possible.

The good thing being I also turned up a couple of other pairs of curtains and I got round to lining my Attic 24 "Lucy" bag at last! The stripey fabric were blinds in the bathroom about 15 years ago, I don't do subtle very well! I knew the fabric would be perfect and it was rediscovered in the moving house process. At least my hook and scissors don't make escape bids anymore.

Once the bag was done (hint, it is far easier to line BEFORE handles are sewn on the bag!) I still had loads of material left so a basket got lined as well, I made some fabric ties and threaded them through and now the yarn doesn't snag in it's lair. It is now a re-purposed basket, ha ha!
It has been so grey and so wet for so long that sun was a surprise last Tuesday. I managed to get out for a good walk with the dog and got a bit lost in the woods, it feels very suburban here compared to our old house but  there are still plenty of country walks that don't involve getting in the car first, thank goodness. I found my way out of the woods and found these snowdrops nestling the bank of the stream. The grass even dried out enough for me to mow it twice, and scarified. How a pocket handkerchief piece of grass can yield 10+ grass container loads of grass is beyond me, the house had been empty since the summer and I am not sure the grass had much attention since the summer. I was going to cycle the Sustrans Route 33 bike path today but it is so windy I fear I may end up blown on the railway line!
snowdrops spring
Roll on Spring!



  1. You are so good at upcycling..bag looks lovely and nice to see a bit of sun :)

    1. I try, I didn't put close up pics of wonky stitching!

  2. ooh, welcome back, I was just wondering what happened to you the other day :) That fabric is lovely, so bright and sunny, exactly what is needed during this grey and wet weather. Your blanket is looking gorgeous by the way, I hope to see more of it soon! Elle

    1. I loved your bright "antidote to freezing grey weather" crochet flowers too, a bit of colour is good for us all!

  3. That bag is so pretty! I love it :)

    1. As subtle as that flower throw was that you watched me make for 10 years ;)

  4. Nice work! I especially like the bag, it's very sunny and cheerful.

  5. Both bag and basket are looking gorgeous Fiona, very bright and cheerful!
    Good to see you back in Blogland!
    Angie x

  6. I love the colors of the bag,very "Springy". I'd lost you,good to see you here again. The basket is looking good.Groetjes, Gerda

    1. Thank you to Gerda, waves to chilly Netherlands from across the freezing North Sea. Have you spotted any Spring weather heading our way yet?

  7. I love your Lucy bag! I wish I could figure out how to line mine.. I might have to ask my sister for a favor.. :-) Good to see you post!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Teresa, draw around a dinner plate roughly the size of the bag base plus a bit for seam, and then you need to hem a length of material the same circumference, and sew up the seam. Pin the other end to the circle right sides together, and stitch, it doesn't matter if it puckers as it is in the bottom of your bag. I then machined around the top to attach to my bag and Bob's your Uncle! I had to do that in 4 sections as the bag was already assembled, and then slip stitch the openings across the handles.

  8. ooh I love that stripy lining - very bright and cheery!

    Nikki x

  9. Hi!
    I have awarded you the Liebster Award. Head over to my blog to find out more!
    It's lots of fun!

  10. That lining finishes off your Lucy Bag perfectly. And for the blanket: don't do a border so you can add length to it when you can afford to buy new yarn! But eiter way, it really is gorgeous!

  11. Hi there! Nice to see you back.
    I must line my too - got the fabric just need to get round to it, Easter maybe?

    I guess you're off to France at Easter, we're going to do some work.

  12. Wow, that lining is a great idea! I have a wooden basket here as well but indeed, the wool keeps on unraveling because it is stuck behind the splinters. Just bought a giant heap of fabric so there should be something in there to use :) Thanks for the idea!

    Love, Kirsten

  13. Hello Fiona
    Oh! my heart just missed a beat as I came into your blog smack bang on the image of your Lucy bag full of all that beautiful yarn what with the new lining its filled my eyes with colour. I wonder if colour is terapeutic it must be because its delightful to see and something like that makes one feel good.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  14. your bags are beautiful - a real touch of spring x

  15. Hi Fiona! How are you! I saw you haven't blogged in a while. How is your French stripe coming along?

    1. Hi Kirsten

      I have been a very lax blogger, what time I have had I've been crocheting so the French Stripes throw is finished and I'm halfway through the next creation. I had been meaning to catch up on the blog, you're inspiration! Watch this space! F xxx

  16. I too made a Lucy bag in the summer of 2013, but mine is not lined, this makes it very tempting to do, but of course I already have handles on!!!! Hopiong to post about my Lucy bag in the next few weeks. x


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