Tuesday, 8 January 2013

One-a-Day 8th Jan 13 Tuesdays Tallies

One a day

Happy New Year! Yes I know I am a little late with Tuesday's Tallies, but New Year's Day itself was a little too early for a Tuesday's Tallies progress post, unless we were totting up the empties, or in my case ripped out rows due to missing a stitch the night before!

How many of us have started a new project, and how many of us are determined to finish their WIPs BEFORE starting anymore?! I managed to finish my Vintage Granny in time for Christmas and have been immersing myself in a self indulgent project with Drops Merino Extra Fine aka "posh" yarn. It is stripey so hopefully I can say 2-5 rows a day. I have done around 75 rows in the last couple of weeks. Here is my French Stripey Throw story to date.
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I do have a few concerns, mainly "will I have enough yarn?" but fortunately it is a pattern I can just keep on going until the yarn runs out. It is 110cm wide and measuring about 35cm to date and I have used about 8 balls of my 28 balls. I think I may need more! I am wondering if the wisdom of this dense pattern was wise with my posh yarn but it's too late to rip now as I have sewn in so many ends. I am determined to keep up with my ends this time.

What are you working on? Even if the aim is a square or a strip or a few stitches every day then progress builds over time. all are welcome to join in even if this is your first or thousandth project,  we can all enjoy our projects and be inspired.
I made bagels for the first time at the weekend, it was really strange to boil dough before baking but they turned out OK, if a little misshapen! They tasted great
See you next week. Happy knotting.


  1. Hello Fiona

    Your blanket is gorgeous, stunning and so beautiful. I love the pattern and how the colours blend so well together. Tthose bagels look mouthwatering and I can smelll them here.

    1. Psst, they are in the freezer if you want one...which reminds me I must go and get some more out for breakfast!

  2. That is very pretty yarn. Lovely, lovely colours in it. Is it soft?

    1. Yes Carole, lovely and soft and it doesn't scratch or itch at all...I am sensitive to rough wool and lanolin.

  3. Those bagels look delicious Fiona! Much more yummy looking than shop-bought ones!
    Angie x

    1. I will make them again, bread machines are fantastic, have had one so long I can't live without it. Good to experiment and do some of the process by hand.

  4. Hi Fiona! I love the colours you're using. I also find it hard to spend much money on (though very pretty and soft) yarn, as I know that although I love the blanket I'm working on then, I will be moving on to another project after I am done. I've once used Drops paris cotton and that was also very nice yarn to work with, so I guess this will be nice as well :)

    Ps. my feed is online thanks to the tech support ;)

    1. I want to try Drops cotton too. Thank you for your kind words!

  5. Yet another stunning blanket, and what lovely yarn too! I'm not starting any big projects at the moment, but have a few small things on the go. Unfortunately we won't have internet in the new house for another month, so I won't be blogging much either :( I will however pop over to your lovely blog to see how your blanket grows.
    PS. Good on you for giving bagels a go, might just have to try them myself now!

  6. Good luck with the moving Elle, I have had enough of it. We moved to Somerset in October, finally completed on our old house 21st December (when the rest of our stuff went into store) and we are now in the process of buying another house as we have to be out of this one by early February so yet another move to contemplate. Only my crochet is keeping me sane! The bagel recipe is from River Cottage Bread book, made the dough in my bread machine.

  7. That throw is gorgeous.. I'm toying with using your all blue shades idea for a blanket for my youngest grandson. Thanks for the inspiration! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. I saw the bagels on the Hairy Bikers Christmas special and thought they looked delicious. Now you have reminded me I must have a go! Love the deep blues of your blanket. Not sure I can quite keep up with one a day at the moment!

    Abigail x

  9. Hi there! I've just found your blog through 'Playing in the Attic' and (as a newbie blogger)find it wonderfully inspiring - looking forward to reading a bit more! I have an ongoing saga with a king size ripple blanket which I started twelve months ago - I do enjoy doing it but there are always quicker things to be getting on with. I'm sure yours will be finished way before mine. Big brownie point for keeping up with those ends!

  10. I just love the colours. My problem is that I am better at amller projects, but love the idea of this stripy blanket, you could be converting me!! Great idea with the bagels, my family love them, have no idea why i had not thought to make them before, think I shall have to try this too. Have only just discovered you through allaboutmatt. Very glad i have ♥ I too have a blog on knitting, baking crocheting etc, recently made 7 different types of cookies to try out, they weent doen well. Would love for you to pop over, you would be most welcome x http://eclectichomelife.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/christmas-cookie-making-number-3.html


Comments are very welcome, thank you for reading!