Monday, 14 January 2013

Crochet Cloche Hats

I loved the cloche hat that Lucy made on her blog, Attic 24 back in November. Although I am not overly fond of hats as they are claustrophobic and itchy! However, I thought they would be fun to make for our three lovely daughters for Christmas. I was not very sure they would like them and in the end I only just managed to make the hats.

My youngest is sporting a pomegranate and plum "special", in good ol Stylecraft Special DK. She was quite pleased with her main Christmas present I think, which wasn't the hat!! I may have finished the hat, but I hadn't finished the embellishments which were the running stitch band around the central narrow band of the main colour, and a big colorful flower with leaves. I gave them the chance to choose the colours and I was going to customise them to order over the holiday.
I made our eldest daughter one in denim and aster, I had to get her to send a pic after she returned home to Holland as she had missed a posed one on Christmas Day. I wish she lived closer, but cycling a lot in northern Holland means her ears will be warm. If she wears it that is.
The middle one got an individual cloche made out of Adriafil Knitcol, a self patterning yarn that I bought her last Christmas and promised super long over the knee socks, fingerless mitts and a hat. She got the super long socks in about February and they were posted up to uni in Newcastle, and now she has a hat. The fingerless mitts perhaps next Christmas?
I was concerned thet Lucy said she had a very small head, we have big heads and quite a lot of hair (well the girls do) so I did a couple of rounds extra and the hats are a little bit too big. None of them wanted embellishments which was a bit of a shame, I doubt they will wear them but I had fun. I may have to run one up and indulge my embellishment fantasies for myself?


  1. What beautiful daughters you have! I'm sure they'll wear their hats with pride, despite your reservations. You did a lovely job with them :)

  2. Wow, Fiona.. you have gorgeous daughters! I think they will wear them. And I think you need to make one for yourself with all the embellishments you dreamed of. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Lovely models for lovely hats Fiona!
    Angie x

  4. I think all the hats look great and whether worn or not I'm sure they'll be treasured. I definitely think you should do one for yourself, with LOTS of embellishment, then they'll want theirs done too!

  5. hello fiona,
    wow......the hats are gorgeous!!!!!
    wish you a nice day,
    blessings regina

  6. Your hats are lovely!! Now you've got me wanting to make hats too :)

  7. What wonderful hats! I think the colourful one is just perfect as it is but I understand your wish to embellish the others. Definitely make yourself one and have fun! Abigail x


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