Tuesday, 11 December 2012

One-a-Day Vintage Solid Granny Blanket - Week 6 - Tuesday's Tallies

One a Day Project
The lovely Carole of Gingerbread Girl fame had the wonderful idea of the One a Day project to inspire us all to pick up our yarn every day and crochet or knit something, one square, one row or one stitch is better than nothing! Anyone can join in, it is not competitive just a place to keep in touch with fellow yarn enthusiasts and keep on top of your projects at the same time at a pace you dictate. Carole hosted a Mr Linky and whilst life is a tad busy for Carole I have volunteered in to "babysit" One a Day for a while and the Mr Linky link stuff is below so we can all admire each others progress and offer encouragement when it has been "one of those" weeks!

I was hoping to have a "DONE" post for you today...but um...I have not quite.... sort of...like.....finished my Vintage Solid Granny Blanket! I have completed all the dc joining and 6 1/2 rounds of border...the plan is 8 rounds, well it has evolved to 8 rounds. Initially one round of plain treble in Teal (RS), then double crochet worked the other way round to keep the border flat in Pale Rose (WS), then a treble chain space round in teal (RS), another dc round in Mint (WS), then a teal treble chain space round (RS) then a dc round in Grape (WS), a round in solid treble in teal (RS) and the final round will be....watch this space!
The border is growing!
crochet border
It will be "done" in time to be mum's Christmas present.

If you want to join in with Link Party add your details below. Copy the One a Day header and put that in your post too with a link back too if you wish so we can all find each other! Lots of chance to chatter on the One a Day group on Ravelry here Ignore the Tackle it Tuesday bit...I can't get a Tuesday's Tallies header but it is one and the same!


  1. What a beautiful blanket Fiona, the colours and design are gorgeous.

  2. Goodness me, you've come on a pace! It's really wonderful :)

  3. Oh Fiona! I LOVE your blanket! Can you give it to me for Christmas instead?! Hehehe! I'll just have to make one for myself, shame!!
    Karen x

  4. Love your blanket and you for hosting the One-A-Day for a while. Shame I do not have anything to show today. My dad is visitin us, so while I do a lot of crafting in the evenings while watching some films, there is a serious lack of time to blog. Hope to be a better blogger next week.

    (and now back to knitting the sweater for Little Guy and finishing a Baby Elmer Blanket)

  5. Wonderful blanket Fiona!! I have been making a seahorse and a few fingerless mitts,
    but have not done the one aday recently, but love checking everyone else's for now.

  6. Fabulous! I'll be back with my one a day in the new year!
    Victoria xx

  7. Oh my gosh, your blanket is stunning, love the colours. I'm so glad you are 'babysitting' . I hope to pick up my Bobble Blanket again in the next couple of weeks. Deb x

  8. Thank you so much for doing this. I will start posting again on Tuesdays. Yay! Your blanket is absolutely beautiful.

  9. It's beautiful Fiona, are you very proud? I hope you are, cos it's lovely! You know, to be totally honest, I wasn't sure about that joining colour when I first saw it, but now it's all together it really, really works wonderfully. You are clever :)

    S x

    PS Nearly forgot, the border is very cute too. Is it some sort of V stitch?

    1. I wasn't too concerned about the teal as most of the colours are in mum's patchwork quilt that she made that is finished and bound etc in dark teal so really (as ever) I just copied!! Thank you for your kind words and as ever the inspiration! I'll write up the border in the "done" post, no idea what v stitch is?!

  10. This is beautiful - could you tell us the yarn details - or pooint me in the right direction to look if I've missed it?


    1. Thank you Rachel! Yarn details are listed under the last picture in this post http://knitknatknotuk.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/vintage-solid-granny-blanket-wks-2-and.html I will gather it all together at some point into one "done" post but it won't be this week!


Comments are very welcome, thank you for reading!