Friday, 7 December 2012

Oaty Banana Nutella Muffins

I picked up various recipe cards at the checkout last week. They were on the table and when my 16 yo came in from school she looked hopeful that I had made the muffins. Never mind, I have now managed to procure all the ingredients and planned to make them for after school today, warm out of the oven, but could I find the recipe card anywhere? Of course not! I went back to Waitrose and they had changed the displays so no oaty banana muffins it seemed.. Thank goodness for google, here is the original recipe but I changed it a little so this is my version:

Oaty Banana Nutella Muffins

Makes 12 - 15
Prepare 10 mins
Cook 20 mins


300g self-raising flour (or plain + 2tsp of baking powder)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
100g light brown soft sugar
50g porridge oats
2 ripe bananas
285ml low fat plain yogurt
75ml sunflower oil
2 medium eggs, beaten
100g Nutella or similar Hazelnut Spread

1 Preheat the oven to 180ºC, gas mark 4. In a large bowl, sieve together the flour, bicarbonate of soda and sugar, stir in the oats.

2 Using a fork, mash the bananas until puréed in a bowl. In a pyrex jug measure the oil, spoon in the yogurt to the 350ml mark making sure it is level. Beat in the eggs with a fork. Add the banana and oil/yogurt/egg to the flour bowl and stir lightly to mix — don’t worry if it looks a little lumpy.

3 Divide half of the mixture between 12-15 paper muffin cases then drop a teaspoon of Nutella into each one. Top with the remaining muffin mixture then bake for 20 minutes until risen and golden. 

Speed is of the essence for good muffins, both mixing and getting into the oven! Best eaten on the day of making, preferably warm and they freeze well too (ha ha does anyone ever have any left to freeze?)

Very scrum-dilly-umptious....we are now trying to decorate the tree but of six strings of lights only 2 work, disaster! A light party has been dispatched out to buy some more, well fuelled.
A Baker's Dozen of Banana Oaty muffins with Nutella surprise in the middle


  1. They look absolutely yummy. I do love Nutella. Bananas too. With only me in the house that would eat them though, there's no way that I'm making any ;)

    1. Psst...Carole....freeze them and get one out per day ;) I won't tell :D xx

  2. They look gorgeous - I normally only use Nutella to give pills to the hounds but those look well worth it! Thanks for recipe

    1. I thought choc was dangerous for dogs? Don't even normally have Nutella for the girls, never mind the dog...he gets dried up crusts as treats!

  3. Your muffins look delicious, thank you for the recipe.

  4. These look devine, I love Nutella. I have saved this recipe to try when we have some over ripe bananas in the house. Have fun decorating your christmas tree!

  5. Mmmm, they look yummy! Put the kettle on, I'm on my way!
    Angie x

  6. Nutella in the middle, yummo!!

  7. I'm glad to know I'm not alone on the fat calves issue, my other boots are all only ankle high too!

    Can I also just say - YUM!

    S x

  8. Wow, I bet they don't last long! Love the idea of a surprise inside. I really must branch out and stop just baking the old favourites!
    Abigail x

    1. I love the internet for recipes, remember the ingredients vaguely, type them in and Bob's your Uncle! I made them again today.


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