Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Vintage Solid Granny Blanket - Wks 2 and 3 - Tuesdays Tallies

Crochet is fabulous. However bananas life goes you can carry yarn and find 10 minutes in a day to squeeze in a square. Dead time becomes profitable. so progress has been good on my Vintage Granny despite an update not happening last week. I have finally decided on 16 colours for the blocks and a 17th to join. Yes I know, a prime number! I love the maths and counting and repetitive patterns in squares.
So I am making 12 squares each of my 16 colours. So far I have ten of each so the missing siblings should be finished this week.
I love the way the squares all curl in the same way.
I have spent quite a bit of time jumping ahead of myself and contemplating the joining method. Originally I was planning a final round in teal for each square and then a join as you go technique suitable for the solid squares. It was not right. In the end I think I have settled on a double crochet join but through the back loop of each stitch when wrong sides are together. So the join is a feature of the design. Last time I joined in this way on my flowery throw I joined through both loops (so through all 4 loops in the two stitches) and it was not very neat.
It looks a lot neater through the two rather than four loops. I am also gleefully enjoying the fact that this is a very quick way to join with minimal ends to sew in as complete rows are worked up and down and then side to side. I think the border may also be teal heavy, after all I bought 3 balls of teal expecting to need a lot!
My work basket...some of the colours are hiding!
Stylecraft Special DK unless stated Left to Right. Row 1: Mocha 1064 Copper 1029 Meadow 1065 Silver 1203 Row 2: Gold (King Cole Big Value DK 323) Mint (Stylecraft Life DK 2342) Pale Rose 1080 Sherbet 1034 Row 3: Claret 1123 Parchment 1218 Apricot 1026 Raspberry 1023 Row 4: Soft Peach 1240 Grape 1067 Walnut 1054 Aspen 1422 Finally Teal 1062 (not pictured above) to join


  1. Hi Fiona , it's looking lovely so far. Such a great portable project as you said.
    Can't wait to see more progress shots .
    Jacquie x

  2. Lovely! The colours look great together and I'm quite sure it will make a stunning gift!

    I made a Solid Granny Blanket for my boy this spring and learnt that I'm not very patient when it comes to this sort of Granny, so hats off to you for your patience and your working speed!

    I'm in the process of crafting children's stuff for the poor children in Rumania, so no Tuesday's Tallies from me this week, hope to have something new to show in a weeks time.

    1. I saw your picture squares, they are lovely and will be treasured as pillows by the children that have so little to treasure.

  3. You've definitely done the right thing joining in complete rows. It's going to save you so much time in the long run I think :) I'm really looking forward to seeing it grow from a gorgeous pile of squares into a fabulous patchwork. 'Dead time becomes profitable', I like that!! :)

  4. Found you via RoseHip.... love the colours you have chosen and coincidentally have just finished a baby-size throw in exactly the same squares, only mine have been joined with the Stylecraft Turquise, and have a shell edging in the same colour to bring it together. Yours is going to look lovely, looking forward to the photos!

  5. Beautiful colours and crochet squares. The teal is brilliant.

  6. Gorgeous squares Fiona! Thank you for listing the colours, they go simply beautifully together!
    Victoria xx

    1. No problem! The lovely Sandra at Cherry Heart chose most of them, she is the clever one! http://sandra-cherryheart.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/giant-granny-patches.html

  7. It's looking beyond lovely, Fiona! I do like your joining method, very neat and tidy. Crochet really is the best thing for slowing down a busy life :)

    1. Very true words..the slowing life down bit!

  8. Ah! I'm a bit jealous! It is very lovely. I want to make one...
    Karen xx

  9. Looking good! I'm in awe of how many squares you have :) I like your joining technique too, I'm going to have to save this and use it the next time I've got some squares because I always struggle to decide how to join :)

  10. I'll be really interested in seeing your joining method! I'm making my first baby blanket at the mo, and have 6 squares left before I start joining, using white for joining and border, which I haven't used yet in the mix of 5 colours. I've jotted down a few possible joining methods but would love to see yours!

    Next blanket will be granny stripes - I'm the one in the We Love Lucy group asking whether I should make it rainbow or not btw ;)


    1. The great thing about dc joining is you are working long rows....as in my picture so only an end to sew in at the beginning and end of a row, not every square like most other joining techniques. That saves a lot of time.

  11. Looks like this will become a beautiful blanket! groetjes, Gerda

  12. This is going to be gorgeous, Fiona! Keep crocheting those siblings!!

  13. The colours are really pretty, the blanket will be lovely when finished. Elisabeth xx


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