Tuesday, 25 September 2012

One a Day Project - Tuesday's Tallies - Week 4 - Not Just Another Granny Square Blanket

Crumbs...doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself?  It's Tuesday again already. The Giant Granny is surrounded now...
solid granny blanket
granny square blanket
117 squares....it was 83 last week, I didn't think I had done that much but there was a good push on Saturday and Sunday as Mr Knotty was hitting a lot of his little balls about in a monsoon. So that makes um...clunk whir calculate, about 34. I really wasn't going to post until this row was complete and the ends sewn in, but it would be dark by then. I am keeping up with my ends, honest!

It is lovely to see everyone else's progress every week on Carole's blog. Come and join us.
PS I am secretly hoping the 144 blocks are finished for next week and I can start on the border.....


  1. Oh my. That's truly lovely. You must be so pleased with the progress!

  2. Oh lordy lord that is a beautiful blanket, how awesome. I like the middle detail, looks like a cushion cover....oooooh you could do matching cushions...swoon, swoon....xx

    1. Shhh...I had already thought that about cushions for youngest daughter but not just yet...I am already making yet another cushion but that is Aran Part II for middle daughter :o F x

  3. Wow, amazing blanket and amazing progress!

  4. Gosh, you really had a go this week! I'm really curious about the border you are going to add. Any ideas yet?

    1. I am afraid the border will be very predictable....to mimic the giant granny!

    2. I thought so and to be honest: no better way to finish this!

  5. I love your blanket! I'm tempted to get my hook out now I've seen it - not that I haven't got enough other things in the air at the moment! Looking forward to seeing it finished - how exciting! Visiting your blog for the first time today :-) x

  6. How funny! I've just seen that you're in Stroud, where we lived before moving to Cornwall 3 years ago - maybe I know you?? x

    1. May do...we are up on t'hill in Minch...but girls all went to SHS...thanks for visiting my blog. F x

  7. Oh that's one gorgeous blanket Fiona!
    Victoria xx

  8. Wow, you've done loads, it looks fab. Deb x

  9. Absolutely beautiful with gorgeous colours.

  10. Gorgeous!! and have admired on rav too ♥☺ Thankyou for comments on my blog too☺☺

    wendy xo

    1. It's lovely having the "jollying along" from us all, stops things falling by the wayside I find! F x

  11. Wow, so much grannies this week you had sewn! But the end is seen. Congrats for it! Have a great week! Greetings from germany. Sabine.

  12. Hi Fiona
    I'm your newest follower ! I discovered your blog after seeing your recent comment on Lucy's post,so thought i'd take a little look round yours.Great pics,love your crochet and am really enjoying catching up on all your backposts. Noticed you have a comment from another "Carole",so will briefly introduce myself; i don't have a blog,but i read a few (!) and comment just now and again. I'm living in S.W.France (Charente)at present. I taught myself to crochet nearly a year ago(thanks to tutorials and inspiration from the brilliant Attic24's Lucy) and am never far from a hook nowadays. Really love your Bullseye's cushions,think i will be adding those to my ever-growing "to do" list :) Pleased to have found your lovely blog.
    Best wishes from a rather autumnal Charente.Carole x

    1. Hi Carole in France! Blogs are dangerous things, I get so inspired by others and hours later I haven't done anything for real! I only started my own to document my own progress....never thought others would be very interested as I am not a clever or original designer. It really is lovely to get to know other knotters world wide. Hope you are OK, there were mini tornadoes last night I believe in your neck of the woods, whereabouts in Charente are you? Fiona x

    2. Hello again Fiona !
      Yes-its been a bit wild,wet and windy here-but fortunately no mini tornadoes for us(this time !)My sister and other half have just visited for a week and we have all been enjoying summery weather and swimming in the river Dronne at the end of our garden,yet we returned them to Bergerac airport yesterday in disgusting weather..c'est la vie !!!We are on the Charente/Dordogne border in the pretty riverside village of Bonnes (river is the Dronne);have lived over here for nearly five years,but rented two other houses before this one.
      Am still catching up on your older posts- just read the Tropical bag one-great colours ! I made the same pattern earlier this year-in sea greens and blues,ended up lining it (so saggy otherwise !) ...think i was more pleased with the fact i actually managed a half-decent lining (am def NOT a natural at sewing) and have even gone on to make Sandra's (Cherry Heart blog) eclectic granny bag...sorry, don't know how to do a linky thing ...and shocked myself by lining that too !
      Am in the middle of making fig chutney...must go and give it a stir.
      Thankyou for taking the trouble to reply to my first comment-will try not to be so long-winded in future :) Carole x

    3. Ah, you are down the other end as our gite is just over the northern 16 border in dept 17...where mini tornadoes were reported last night :o Lovely part of the world, unfortunately not practical for us to live out there. I am hanging my head in shame, my bag still isn't lined and I have no excuses as I found the material I knew I had! I love long winded! F x

  13. Looking great!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  14. Oh Fiona it is lovely :) i love the colors :)
    Have a beautiful day and thank you for visiting!


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