Wednesday, 22 August 2012

A perfectly perfect birthday

I am not too sure I look forward to my birthday as eagerly every year as I used to; the years are galloping too fast for my liking. I was 47 on Monday, “that’s so old” say the 16 and 19yo! I have 4 months each year where I pretend I am a year younger than Mr Knotty…but I always catch up again very quickly. Monday birthdays are not the most sought after, but I was very lucky and had a wonderful birthday thanks to my family. I had bought myself a new sewing machine from our local Cotswold Sewing Machine shop in Stroud back in May, exactly the same offer that was available at the Malvern Quilt Show and online. Even better they repaired the presser foot and serviced my old one for less than £50 so L now has a machine of her own, a very early birthday present for her. If I ever have any problems I will get local service. That was a huge present and I was not expecting anything else, but my girls gave me a day to remember.

Mr Knotty brought me a cup of tea in bed before disappearing for work as usual, unfortunately. S made me breakfast, she really really wanted me to have it in bed but I don’t actually like breakfast in bed, so she served my perfectly cooked scrambled eggs and mushrooms with a pot of tea, OJ and toast and damson jam at the table and was lovely company. A 16yo being up and bright and cheery at 9.30am in the holidays is an honour. She had ordered me one of the crochet books on my “I would really really like but when everything is online you don’t really really need it do you?” list. 200 Crochet Blocks by Jan Eaton, knotty heaven.  Perfect. Flowers from my best friend.
Lovely B-day presents from L and S and flowers from my best friend A
K rang from her house in Holland and we had a lovely chat, and then the postman bought me her present and card on exactly the right day. She had bought me the silver cow charm for my Pandora bracelet. We live 100m from Minchinhampton Common (National Trust) where cows roam all summer, and end up in our garden if they go out on the razzle “downtown” and we forget to put the gate on.
Mr Knotty gave me my bracelet two years ago for my birthday and every charm has been a special present with meaning, perfect.
My Pandora Bracelet
L appeared a bit bleary eyed, she has worked two weeks solid at the supermarket deli, with no days off, so she deserved a lie in, she had turned down overtime to be at home on my birthday as well. I opened the present she proudly gave me, there was a card in an envelope and that was a voucher for a back, shoulder and neck massage. Bliss,  it can be redeemed in the village so I won’t have to go far for my pampering. I am saving that treat for September.

Then I opened the parcel, oh my goodness! She had sewn a beautiful crochet case, in the style of a mini spanner roll, stocked with 12 crochet hooks, darning needles in a case, green spotty scissors and a tape measure.
 She had chosen carefully coordinated fabrics in dusky purples and sage greens with cream and black and a lace loop to close over a rustic button. There are lots of sections for those all important knotty tools.
The best present in the world is something made especially for you with love. It was made totally secretly when I was away in Cumbria two weeks ago, so it was also a total surprise.

I was told I had to stay out of the kitchen in the afternoon, so I crocheted all afternoon, the weather cleared and I sat outside.  All will be revealed soon.
I can't wait to try these blocks out of my new book, I had been thinking about a granny and solid granny square combo, and the bobbles are fantastic!
Carefully timed to be served 20 minutes after Mr Knotty got in at 7, we had a delicious 3 course meal outside that L shopped and cooked for.

To start were French toasts with salmon paté and smoked salmon on a bed of dressed leaves. Main course was chicken breast stuffed with mozzarella, pesto and sun dried tomatoes wrapped in Serrano ham with pan fried potatoes, green beans and pesto sauce. To finish a trio of desserts; warm chocolate fondant, cheesecake and sponge all topped off with fresh raspberry coulis and raspberries. The weather was just cooperative enough to eat outside.

As I said, a perfectly perfect day!


  1. A very happy belated birthday and it sounds like you had a perfect day. I'm off now to have a look at that book on amazon :)

    1. Thank you Sue, found your lovely blog now.. I didn't think I needed crochet books but this is my first one and nice to have when away from the pooter! F x

  2. Happy Birthday Fiona, I am so glad you really did have a day to remember, what a lovely family you have, you must be very proud of them. I love all your pressies, and your Pandora bracelet is gorgeous. Yvonne xx

    1. Ahh Yvonne, I am very lucky. I don't do jewellery, make up etc except for my 3 rings and Pandora bracelet, in sea colours! F x

  3. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* and what a nice day you had with great pressies and a loving family! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. Oh Fiona! What a lucky mummy you are!!! That sounds like the most perfect day! The book looks fab, think I'll pop it on my wish list too :) I totally agree about hand-made presents, so special, and this one is beautiful!! So useful and so thoughtful! I'm so glad you had a lovely day, a belated "Happy Birthday" from me too! x x x

    1. Yep I am! The thoughtfulness of the presents bowled me over, and the nice touches all day that just happened, like cups of tea, and crocheting outside whilst they cooked. F x

  5. Happy birthday! It sounds like you had a really lovely one :o)
    Jay xx

    1. The little things make a great day, and it was! Thanks Jay. Everyone else (esp with smaller children) should read your blog, it always has me in stitches!! Fiona x

  6. Hi Just found your blog via Amanda at crafty in the med. I have really enjoyed reading your posts and am your new follower! I love those medallions and I think they would look really good as brooches too!

  7. Well, a happy birtday you had, lucky you. A great day. I am goung to read more of your blog. groetjes, Gerda

  8. oh! Fiona what a wonderful birthday!!!
    There's nothing better than when the family get together and do for the birthday person. Far far better I think than ... I brought you this but you can change it if you don't like it here's the receipt gifts! I absolutely love your gift from your daughter...handmade is by far best........ all the love and best wishes entwined in the minutes and hours it took to do ...beautiful! Hurray for your daughter.

    Lucky you!

    Amanda :-)

  9. Glad you had a good birthday. The book will keep you occupied for a while! It's got some great blocks in it.

  10. Sorry it's more than a week late, but Happy Birthday! I'm glad to see that you had such a wonderful day and I am very jealous of that book!


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